Review/ Turk J Gastroenterol 2015; 26: 197-203 ---------- How to interpret liver function tests in heart failure patients ---------- Liver damage secondary to cardiac failure may result from congestion or hypoperfusion of the organ. There is no consensus on terminology, but the following has been used: 1. Cardiac Hepatopathy (CH) 2. Ischemic Hepatitis 3. Shock Liver 4. Hypoxic Hepatopathy 5. Acute Cardiogenic Liver Injury (ACLI) We propose that ACLI provides more details about the underlying pathophysiological process. ---- ∎ Both the American College of Cardiology and European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Guidelines recommend the inclusion of LFTs in the diagnostic workup of all patients presenting with HF. ---- Acute cardiogenic liver injury is generally asymptomatic, but nausea, vomiting, weakness, right upper quadrant pain, and apathy may be present after a latent period of 2...