How To Choose The Correct Size Of Suction Catheter

How To Choose The Correct Size Of Suction Catheter Dr. Prashant Kumar Background: Suctioning of the artificial airway is a common procedure in everyday clinical practice. 1. Indication: Need to suction a tracheal/ tracheostomy tube should be assessed frequently as necessary by anyone providing care to the patient. The frequency of assessment may be as frequent as continuous in patients with very high secretions to as low as once in several days in dry-clean airways. No generalization can be made on this point. The decision to suction a tracheal tube must be made on the basis of the clinical need to maintain the patency of the tracheobronchial tree. No routine suctioning should be performed based on timing alone. A tracheal tube should only be suctioned when clinically indicated by signs which could include: i. visible, palpable or audible secretions (such as sputum, gastric or upper airway contents or blood) ii. respiratory: desat...